
Michale/ 男性/ 10代/ 富山県

I work with computers <a href=" ">toradol</a> It is indeed, but it&rsquo;s one that this particular 30-year-old actress embodies, to the extent of being described by her admiring peers as an &ldquo;iron lily&rdquo;. The more fragrant quality has been to the fore in her breakout role as Jenny Lee in Call the Midwife, the BBC&rsquo;s rampant Sunday-night hit &ndash; 11 million viewers, exported to 102 countries &ndash; in which she&rsquo;s an exemplar of upright, wasp-waisted, bike-riding, breech-birthing rectitude amid a sea of Fifties East End squalor. But she began her career playing a succession of bolshie teen goths and pole-dancing libertines in state-of-the-nation plays such as Harper Regan and Earthquakes in London at the National Theatre, and it soon becomes apparent that she&rsquo;s implacably drawn to what she calls &ldquo;the dark stuff&rdquo;. She&rsquo;s an avid fan of the dystopian sci-fi of Philip K Dick, and Iain M Banks, and identifies more with Sigourney Weaver&rsquo;s Ripley, the blood-spattered great survivor of the Alien movies, than with, say, Florence Nightingale. &ldquo;With Call the Midwife, I&rsquo;m always keen that there should be some edge in there, to balance out the heart-warming stuff,&rdquo; she says. &ldquo;Though sometimes I still want to grab Jenny and shake her around and loosen her up a bit. After a few weeks of playing her, I have this overwhelming desire to go out and get drunk and fling myself round a dance floor with wanton abandon.&rdquo; She grins. &ldquo;Some journalists want to put you in a box, and say, oh, she&rsquo;s just like her character in Call the Midwife. She's actually so far away from me, but I suppose it's the easy, lazy thing to do. I&rsquo;m incredibly proud of the show, but there are other things I want to do.&rdquo;

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